Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'webcontroller'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /volume1/web/global/mysql_class.php on line 41 Call Stack: 0.0001 359112 1. {main}() /volume1/web/o/service_agree.php:0 0.0578 370264 2. include('/volume1/web/global/db_connection.php') /volume1/web/o/service_agree.php:5 0.0579 370456 3. DBManager->__construct($serverName = 'localhost', $userName = 'webcontroller', $passWord = 'w=@3&e#jj9w%i', $characterSet = 'utf8mb4', $dbName = 'ueproduct', $port = 3307, $socket = '/run/mysqld/mysqld10.sock') /volume1/web/global/db_connection.php:3 0.0579 370456 4. mysqli_connect($host = 'localhost', $user = 'webcontroller', $password = 'w=@3&e#jj9w%i', $database = 'ueproduct') /volume1/web/global/mysql_class.php:41 Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, bool given in /volume1/web/global/mysql_class.php on line 43 Call Stack: 0.0001 359112 1. {main}() /volume1/web/o/service_agree.php:0 0.0578 370264 2. include('/volume1/web/global/db_connection.php') /volume1/web/o/service_agree.php:5 0.0579 370456 3. DBManager->__construct($serverName = 'localhost', $userName = 'webcontroller', $passWord = 'w=@3&e#jj9w%i', $characterSet = 'utf8mb4', $dbName = 'ueproduct', $port = 3307, $socket = '/run/mysqld/mysqld10.sock') /volume1/web/global/db_connection.php:3 0.3308 370912 4. mysqli_query($link = FALSE, $query = 'set character set \'utf8mb4\'') /volume1/web/global/mysql_class.php:43 Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, bool given in /volume1/web/global/mysql_class.php on line 44 Call Stack: 0.0001 359112 1. {main}() /volume1/web/o/service_agree.php:0 0.0578 370264 2. include('/volume1/web/global/db_connection.php') /volume1/web/o/service_agree.php:5 0.0579 370456 3. DBManager->__construct($serverName = 'localhost', $userName = 'webcontroller', $passWord = 'w=@3&e#jj9w%i', $characterSet = 'utf8mb4', $dbName = 'ueproduct', $port = 3307, $socket = '/run/mysqld/mysqld10.sock') /volume1/web/global/db_connection.php:3 0.5214 370904 4. mysqli_query($link = FALSE, $query = 'set names \'utf8mb4\'') /volume1/web/global/mysql_class.php:44
Failed to connect to MySQL: Access denied for user 'webcontroller'@'localhost' (using password: YES) end